Monday, March 15, 2010


So, it's obviously obvious of why I cannot call this prom date of yours Zach. I will explain this using a mixture of logic and nonsense, and I type exceptionally slow because of my wrist.

1. I have a desire to call him Bear Rider, which is entirely his fault. Should one choose to ride a bear, and give flowers, they therefore earn the name bear rider. If I posted a picture of myself riding a cow, I would be called Cow Rider. This is the name that he has chosen for himself, though indirectly, I'm sure he did not realize that a fifteen year old from Connecticut would use that picture to determine the rest of his life with a nickname.

2. Zach reminds me of Zach Little, who is cool. I'm not saying that he's not cool, I'm just saying that he's... Yeah. I'm not finishing that sentence. I refuse to associate them in my brain, and therefore, no Zach.

3. He plays Nethack, which pushes him lower on the status quo, so... Ya know. Zee it is...

4. Zee rhymes with bee, and and bee is like Bear. Bear Rider connected to Zee? Yes. Yes it is.

5. I lost the game.

It all works out.